Treble Clef isn't visible on Clefs Palette

• Jul 19, 2021 - 04:45

I was working on an orchestral score (specifically horns) where they go from the staff to down below it with 4 ledger lines, and I wanted to make it neater, so I changed the part to a Tenor Clef briefly.
Then I put back the treble clef except I had accidently selected it to be an octave down, so I deleted it and saw that the regular treble clef was nowhere in the clefs pallete, it was literally not there.
All other clefs are fine, it's just the treble clef. No clue what would cause that..


Possibly you inadvertently deleted it from the palette - in which case, it actually didn't go away permanently but is still there in the More section ready to be dragged back. Or possibly, you hit a bug where in certain cases depending on the exact speed and direction of a drag operation from the palette, the cell that contained the element is left empty. If you see an empty space where the treble clef belongs, just change workspaces (e.g., from basic to advanced or vice versa) then back. Or quit and restart MuseScore. Either workaround repairs the temporary glitch. Also, in the future, be aware that drag is never needed to add elements from the palette - a single click is usually simpler, and more effective.

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