Measure Lentghs

• Aug 10, 2021 - 23:37

PLEASE make the number of measures per line easy to set up?
Why can't I just select 5 measures and put them on one line, having notation fit?
I love your software and sent in money, but this is such a glaring weakness I may have to shell out the big bucks to update Finale.
I've been doing alot of transcriptions, and they will have say 4 bars on a line, and another measure on the next line with music and 5 empty bars.
I think I can go into a very arcane and difficult spacing dialog and screw around for an hour.
I do not get it, my previous cheapo Finale made this so easy.
Its like you put the steering wheel for a car in the trunk.
I'm so discouraged with this software. It has many wonderful, easy, intuitive and well thought out features.
Then you totally blow it on such a basic need.
Is this any hope this can be fixed?

Thank You,

jim kirkland


There is no single setting for measure per systems because published music is seldom consistent - different systems almost always have different numbers of measures.

As for making 5 measures fit, if your current settings don't allow for it - staff too big, page too big, minimum note spacing too big, or just "too many notes" - then something has to give. MuseScore provides controls for all of these, but rather than try to guess which to compromise, it gives you that power.

If you attach your score and explain in more detail which system you want to fit more measures on, we can advise better as to which of your current settings is set too high. It should take only seconds.

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