Change note enunciation

• Aug 15, 2021 - 01:37

When I set notes, they play enunciating the first of every 2 notes. I want the first note to play, then to start enunciation. Even a simple scale from C to G can get changed depending on when the enunciation starts. How do I change the rhythm?


I also don't understand the word enunciation in this context, but when you talk about parts of notes, it makes me think either you want eighth notes to play as swing, or they are currently playing as swing and you don't want them to. For the firs,t add "Swing" marking to your score from the Text palette. For the second, find the Swing text that was added previously, and delete it (the text may have been changed to no longer say Swing).

If that doesn't help, please attach your score and explain the problem in more detail.

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