Shortened silent mesures when pressing insert

• Aug 25, 2021 - 14:43

Hello. Dont know why but musescore started to measures like that: when i pres the insert key. What do I have to do to make it work normaly and insert empty measures like here:

I am using Musescore 2 (Thank You in advance)


It looks like you have enabled multimeasure rests. Simply turn them off again if you have changed you mind about it. I'm not sure, but I think you can do that by pressing "M" in MuseScore 2. Do note that's a long-obsolete version, so I'd strongly encourage you to install the latest (and you can leave MuseScore installed as well). There have been untold thousands of bugs fixed since MuseScore 2, plus the notation and playback have been pretty dramatically improved, as well as lots of new features to make entering and editng your music far simpler.

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