Unable To Copy/Paste

• Aug 31, 2021 - 00:04

I am unable to copy anything: is there something I am doing wrong? I was able to copy and paste just fine the whole day, then the next second I move my cursor to "Edit", where the "Copy" option is faded out, unclickable and unusable. I tried everything I could think of: Made sure I wasn't in the note adder, tried restarting and knowing I had a copyable selection. Please help!


What OS (operating system)?
What version of MuseScore?
Does this happen only on one particular score?
What are you trying to copy? Lyrics? Notes?

Copy/cut/paste/swap commands are accessed in three ways:
From the Edit menu (above the document window).
From the menu displayed by right-clicking on an element or range of elements.
Using one of the standard keyboard shortcuts.

Try another method.

Also, attaching your score explaining exactly what you do and what you wish to happen will help.

As mentioned, we'd really need you to attach the score and give precise steps to reproduce the problem,. but my guess is you don't in fact have a selection. Like, maybe you have disabled all selectable content in the Selection Filter?

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