weird things happening

• Sep 15, 2021 - 20:13

I have a sheet named "pnpn", that was a simple piano sheet music. I've edited it yesterday. Today, when i opened the app, i saw a two new sheet music that i didnt add. Files named as "scux1986 " and "scJL1986". scux1986 is copy of pnpn, scJL1986 is an empty score and i haven't created an empty score yet. How could it be? Is that a simple bug or a thing that it should terrify me?

Attachment Size
musescore1.jpeg 224.57 KB
musescore2.jpeg 228.65 KB


Those sc*.mscz scores are auto-save files, created by default every 2 minutes, and get used to recover from a crash.
So apparently MuseScore crashed whalk you we working on that pnpn.mscz score and ion the next start told you about it and asked you whether to recoved from that crash or not,

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