Dashed hopes

• Oct 12, 2021 - 19:53

I was hoping that MuseScore 3.6.2's dashed slur option would result in a tapered slur, like the third one shown in the attached image. I'm starting with a regular slur (as shown first in the image) but when I set Line Type to Dashed I get an untapered slur like the second one.

Is there currently a way to render a dashed tapered slur? If not, please consider this a request. I'd also like to see a Line Type option of Custom Dashed—like we have with various Line objects—so I can customize the dash length and gap properties.

MuseScore-Dashed slurs-Sm.png


There's no such way. Only continuous, dotted, dashed and wide dashed.
Some line elements also have dash-dotted, dash-dot-dotted and custom dashed, not slurs and ties though, only straight lines.

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