Is there a way to single out one palette?

• Oct 31, 2021 - 05:43

I want to be able to add articulations and dynamics without having to search for them each time. Is there a way to add these palettes to the note input bar above, or in another convenient location? Help would be greatly appreciated.


I don't believe MuseScore's toolbar is customizable in the way you've described.

However you can make one or more custom palettes and add any of the items found in the various palettes, and/or items from the master palette, and in many cases you can add objects that exist in an open score.

I've created several custom palettes and find them enormously useful.


Indeed, spending a few minutes setting up a custom palette with all your favorite markings is a very useful thing, I'd have a hard time doing with it at this point.

Note you can also use the search bar at topo of the palettes window to quickly find things, and you can also delete seldom-used elements from your palettes. Or simply move the Articulations and dynamics palettes to the top of the list. Lots of flexibility here!

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