Frezzing score

• Nov 1, 2021 - 15:05

Is there any way to fix a score so that when you move it around (such as going from one page to another) you don't accidentally make changes to the score?


It's possible such a lock may be implemented someday. Meanwhile, though, I'm guessing you are moving through the score by dragging it" That's never a very good idea. Instead, use the mouse wheel - by itself for vertical, or with Shift for horizontal. If your device lacks a physical scroll wheel, usually there is an equivalent gesture, like two-finger swipe on most touchpads. You can also use the standard navigation keys like PgUp/PgDn/Home/End - and your keyboard lacks those, usually there is an equivalent shortcut provided by your systems like Fn+Up for page up, etc. These methods are much faster than dragging, and much less likely to result in inadvertent changes to your score.

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