audio file into score

• Nov 9, 2021 - 20:57

I have made a song on musescore. i then went to the studio, recorded it, and now have an audio with the singing. does anyone know how i can put an audio file into musescore, or how i can add music to the audio through musescore? (it is an mp3 audio)


MuseScore doesn't have any such audio features, but you can certainly use third party digital audio workstation or video editing software to build whatever combination of MuseScore audio/video and your own that you like.

In reply to by zachysager

Depends I guess on whether your goal is audio or video, what OS you are on, what your budget is, etc. For a basic video that shows MuseScore playback synchronized with my own audio, I’ve successfully used Screencastify to record the MuseScore video, and a simple video editor like WeVideo or iMovie to assemble the finished video.

In reply to by zachysager

Does that involve MuseScore somehow? If you mean you already have an audio file, but you want to add a MuseScore-generated audio representation of a guitar part, I’d export that as WAV then edit it in using your favorite audio editor (eg, Audacity).

I have a feeling I’m not understanding though. Best to step back and start from the begin ing, explaining in much more detail what you have now, what you want to end up with, and how you envision MuseScore being a part of this.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

okay lets do that. i made music for a song on musescore. i then went and recorded the singing in a studio, and now i have it all put together as an audio file(mp3). i realised theres a few bits of guitar i want to add. i dont want to edit the audio, i just want to add a guitar to one of the choruses. so what i was thinking, for example, if it was possible, was to put the audio into musescore and just write the guitar music in the bit where i want it to go. but musescore doesnt let you add an mp3 to a score.

In reply to by zachysager

Correct. To literally accomplish what you describe, you'd need to do as I said - export the guitar part, then use your favorite audio editor to combine with your existing audio. If all you actually recorded in the studio was the singing, though - if you used the MsueScore audio as the "backing tracks" and then combined then in an audio editor, I'd simply go back to the raw vocal audio and re-combine that with the new full audio from MuseScore, rather than trying to take the already combined audio and mix in the guitar only. Seems much simpler. Either way, yes, you absolutely want to edit the audio, if you want it to sound different than it currently does (eg, you want it to have guitar where it currently does not).

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