Double dotted notes

• Nov 11, 2021 - 21:10

I'm trying to insert double dotted quarter notes in 3/8 time. I see the two dots in the toolbar. I select quarter note and the two dots and when I insert this value, it changes to a single dotted note tied over the barline. The whole measure should be a 1/16th note and a double dotted quarter note. Any help with this?


My math tells me double dotted quarter doesn't fit in 3/8 time. A single dotted quarter already fills the measure completely; a double dotted quarter would be a 1/16 too long. 3/8 is equivalent to 6/16. If you already have a sixteenth, there is only room for 5/16 more. That's a quarter note tied to a sixteenth (or vice versa), not a double dotted quarter.

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