Independent language settings for instruments

• Nov 12, 2021 - 13:42

Language settings for instruments should be independent from the language used for the interface.
This is an important feature for, especially for all non english speaking countries as music is more often than not distributed globaly.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Interesting reading.

I don't quite follow how language settings are handled, though.
If I create a score and chose a predefined ensemble the instrument names are in english, but if I chose individual instruments the localised names are used. Adding/changing individual instrumets in the score uses localised names as well, regardless which language the score is created in.

To complicate things a little bit further there can be different naming conventions within the same language.
For example in Sweden there are three main naming conventions, afaik:
1) English instrument names, (probably most of the sheet music for professional settings and international market)
2) Swedish instrument names on first page, but with english short names on the rest of the pages (as I understand it a common way to notate for ensembles)
3) Swedish instrument names with swedish short names (for example school ensembles and community bands)
(For editing old scores also italian , german and french instrument names are used)

2) and 3) could perhaps be handled as two separate instrument-translations if there is a way to select which one to use.

Would it be possible and useful to set instrument translation /convention in something like the following way:
* Set the global default choice in the settings menu
*Give the user the option to create a score based on the default setting (pre-selected) or pick another translation/convention when a new score is created.
*When changing individual instruments show the instruments in the default way (or with the translation/convention used to create the score) in the "chose instrument" dialog, but also give the option to pick instrument names from another translation/convention to match the rest of the score.

Are there any thoughts for MuseScore 4.0 on how to handle scores and instrument names in different languages and conventions without having to change the interface language?

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