Intense scroll-wheel zoom sensitivity on Linux Manjaro

• Nov 19, 2021 - 21:42

I recently started using Manjaro from Windows recently and have been loving it, especially since there have been no bugs or issues. The only issue I've had so far is with Musescore. Everytime I use the scroll wheel to zoom (ctrl+scrollwheelup). It zooms from 150% to 2400% in one little scroll up. Is there any way to fix this problem. It also does this when scrolling out aswell.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I've looked through both of these posts and they seem a little confusing to me but I think I understood what was going on at least. I am still currently suck on one spot, as both posts link to a reddit post on how to fix the problem but my results so far have been inconlusive.

I haven't used Manjaro for that long so I'm still a newb, but I know I have to use the terminal a lot and assume that is what I need to use here. The problem is when I input the /etc/libinput/local-overrides.quirks I get a command not found, and in the directory /etc/libinput/ itself is empty. When inputting the two pacman commands I get back: error could not find or read package.

I have already run pacman -Syu, so everything is up to date.

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