Anyone know how to auto align text fields?

• Nov 21, 2021 - 21:07

When I add text, Musescore will occasionally misalign the texts. How do I get it to where it will auto align it, even if I move one text field away from the other? I feel like this was feature of old Musescore versions, where I could drag a text field around to where I wanted it, then grab another text field and drag it close to the other and it would auto align


This was most definitely not a feature of old MuseScore.
For some text types, MuseScore now indeed does this (lyrics, chord symbols, voltas) but not for plain staff text. If you need identical placement, use the Inspector (F8)

Indeed, other than lyrics or chords symbols (and dynamics that start and end hairpins), no version of MsueScore has ever auto-aligned text. But also, no version of MuseScore prevents you from aligning anything you want manually - either "eyeballing" it by dragging, or doing it more precisely using the Inspector or arrow keys.

If you attach your score and describe what you are trying to align, we can understand and assist better.

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