Numbering page parts

• Nov 22, 2021 - 13:11

Hello. I'm currently working on a rather large scale project with Musescore and would like to know if it's possible to change the individual page numbers for parts.

I've created 30 cues dispatched in 30 scores (30 .mscz files). Because there's no "Assemble" function in Musescore 3, I manually changed each score's page number, using "First Page number" in "Page Settings", so that the numbering follows. ex. score #1 (3 pages long) starts at page #1, score #2 starts at page #4, etc.

This is now proving quite impractical for numbering parts page number. ex. in score #1, a part is 1-page long. score #2 starts on page 4, and the part too. Logically, the numbering won't follow with the page number in the previous score.

Question #1
Is there a function in Musescore that could help in this matter? Currently, the only solution I see is changing each part's page number by hand, either through "Style" or by copy-pasting numbers in "Preview".

Question #2
I understand I put myself in this situation. Could I have done things differently? Solutions I see would have been: 1) creating a single big score (it would have created other problems though); or 2) using a different software.

Thank you !


Generally speaking,f or the reasons you cite, I think it best to do it all within one score if at all possible. Older versions of MsueScore had performance problems with large scores that made this impractical, but really since 31 or so this should be a non-issue. Not sure what other problems you anticipate, but to me, there really aren't any that are as awkward as the problems you end up needing to solve if you divide arbitrarily into pieces.

When I say "arbitrarily", I'm specifically excluding things like, separate movements of a symphony. But for that, it's perfectly fine (in my book) to simply let the page numbering start over at one. The info in the header or footer can clarify this, like I - 1, I -2, ... for the first movement, II - 1, II - 2, ... for the second, and so on.

Another possibility is to leave out page numbers entirely and add them later using a PDF editor. I've done this for textbooks assembled from separate handouts.

If you do wish to have the consecutive page numbering, I'm not sure if the plugin framework can access page info, but if so, perhaps a plugin could automate some of this.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hello! Thank you for your reply. Indeed, I think, in the end, doing it all in one score would have saved a lot of time. Regarding page numbers, an executive producer just went ahead and printed the score ^^' I don't know if he put page numbers, but in the end, he did not them, since we go from one end of the score to the other. I've tried the "PDF" option, but it's probably much better with an advanced version. I tried doing it in Preview and it was a nightmare ^^' Anyway, I've put in over 150 hours in this project, some I'm probably not seeing clearly anymore. Thank you very much for the help!

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