copying a line

• Dec 13, 2021 - 22:35


I'm trying to copy a part so i can paste it elsewhere and change the notes (for example first trumpet and then do 2,3,4 without having to input all the rhythms anymore)

im selecting the passage without problem, but then can't figure out how to copy and paste


After selecting the passage

Copy = CTRL+C (CMD+C on MAC)

select insertion point

Paste = CTRL+V (CMD+V on MAC)

Just as in other applications like Word, Excel etc.

An easy way to copy to several staves at once is to select the whole passage passage across all staves you want to copy, then use Tools / Explode. It was originally designed for the case where you actually enter all parts onto that first staff, but it also works in this way. Then you can use Repitch mode to easily change the pitches on the parts 2-4.

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