Automatically Colour Notes

• Dec 18, 2021 - 13:42

I play an instrument that is a combination of two whole-tone scales: the double-second steelpan (alto steel drum)


I’d like to run a plug-in on my MuseScore compositions and arrangements that automatically colours certain notes red (the left side of my instrument) and other notes green (the right side of my instrument).

Left (red)… “C D E F# G# A#” or “C D E G♭ A♭ B♭“
Right (green)… “C♭ D♭ E♭ F G A” or “B C# D# F G A”

I’ve attached a few example scores to show what this might look like. However this is based on LH/RH (left-hand red and right-hand green). Although C and E are both on the left side of the instrument and therefore would both come out red in the automated script I’m looking for, in reality if you wanted to play C major then you’d play C with the left hand (red) and E with the right hand (green). This is fine for my purposes and can be easily overcome.

Moonlight Sonata (Play it on Pan).mscz ( online: )
The Entertainer (UrbanSmash Solo).mscz ( online: )
Is This Love (Play it on Pan).mscz ( not online until public domain year 2051 )

How would I write code for MuseScore to automate this colour coding?
Any ideas and suggestions very much appreciated.

Best wishes,

Play it on Pan


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I'm a bit rusty on programming but would using your trumpet fingering plugin work with some modifications? Since it's pitch-based, could you change the fingering text (1 - 2 - 1,2 - 1,3 - 2,3 - 1,2,3) to a simple binary variable for each pitch and then add in a IF line to change the note colour based on the variable? That would cope with the fact that there some notes in different octaves on different hands - a purely note-name Plugin would miss that?

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