Can't import scanned music score

• Dec 28, 2021 - 08:33

How to save score scanned by my scanner so that it can be imported as pdf file by musescore? Currently unsuccessful because scanned file is image pdf that is not editable.


It's not really clear what you mean here - when you ask "how to save score", that sounds like it's already in MuseScore, in which case, you shoudln't need to use the experimental / AI import PDF feature at all. If the score is not already in MsueScore but in some other program, you'd have to ask on the support forum for that other program how to export it in PDF format. but far better would be to export as MusicXML if possible - you'll get MUCH better results. if on the other hand you already have the PODF and that's all you have and you have no ability to get something better like MusicXML, then you can try the experimental AI feature in File / Import PDF, but don't get your hopes up. You can also try any of the various commercially-available programs that can attempt to turn PDF into MusicXML. In the end, though, you will likely find it easier to simply enter the music into MuseScore normally.

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