Problem with space between staffs - "Spacer" not adjusting the space

• Jan 1, 2022 - 20:02

Hello, in the attached document, on page 2, between system 1 and system 2, a large space between the systems seems to have automatically been added. I attempted to use a spacer on measure one of system one, however, it did not adjust the space.

How can I adjust the space between these two systems to match the rest of the score?

Thank you.

Attachment Size
Patterns_for_Jazz_-_Chord_Tones.mscz 17.92 KB


The "real" problem here is that you have too much on the first page and not enough on the second, so there is going to be more space on the second page, whether all bunched up at top or bottom or spread nicely throughout the page. So the "real" solution is to add a page break to even things out. But in cases where for whatever reason this isn't possible or desirable (like you want to keep each exercise together on a page), then go to Format / Style / Page and disable the vertical justification, which is really only meant for scores with multiple staves per system, then you can control the max system distance. Or, just add a single spacer below the last system and extend it to bunch the space up at the bottom if that's the result you want here.

The way you are trying to do it could work also in some cases but is much more work. The reason it isn't working now is that you need a fixed spacer to do the job. But it is still much more work, and won't always work as it interferes with the normal staff spacing algorithm.

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