Can't find Notation Software

• Jan 2, 2022 - 10:45

I am a musician trying to download the notation software so I can start making music. I have had MuseScore on another computer and had no issues with the downloading of it before. My computer broke down, so I had to redownload it onto my new computer, which is a Chromebook Asus Model C301S. However, every time I try to download the notation software from (which is supposedly where I can find the notation software), the file takes me to the Sheet Music home where you need to a subscription for downloading sheet music. I wasn't sure if the MuseScore notation software was still free or not, so I thought if I bought a subscription it would make finding it easier because it said one of the features was offline access, which I perceived as the notation software.

So what I'm asking is a couple of questions: Is the notation software free or do you need a subscription to use it, is MuseScore- the notation software that I'm looking for, and if so, how can I navigate it to find the notation software, if not, is there a specific link somebody can show me that will give me just the notation software?

I am at my wit's end and don't have the time or patience to try and navigate this anymore by myself.


Chromebooks don't run desktop software like museScore "natively" but can if you first enable them to run Linux apps. So it's the Linux version you need to download and install, after enabling Linux apps on your Chromebook. I've developed a streamlined process for this that improves greatly over what's in the Handbook, see:…

And no, neither a subscription to the score-sharing website, nor a purchase of any mobile apps for iOS or Android have no bearing whatsoever on your ability to download or use the completely free music notation software. MuseScore is and always will be 100% free.

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