Up/Down Arpeggios

• Jan 7, 2022 - 08:08

I use these up and down arrows in my guitar parts to to create a fairly realistic strumming sound. Because guitar parts are fairly repetitive, I do a lot of copying and pasting of chord groups and often need to reverse the direction of the arpeggio (strum). Whenever I do this by selecting the arpeggio arrow I wish to reverse and then clicking on the opposite arrow in the palette, the stretch property of the replacement arpeggio always resets to the default. I would prefer that it would stay as set for the arpeggio it is replace in the paste action. This seems more intuitive to me anyway.
An even better alternative would be to have the arpeggio direction as a property in Inspector. Then the first option would not be necessary, as I would change the direction property and the Stretch would remain the same.
Sorry, but not sure whether this is a feature request or a possible bug.


I can see how an up/down property might help and the ability to flip an arpeggio with X might be useful, too, but this should be in addition to being able to select an Up/Down arpeggio from the palette. Regards the Stretch property, it is preserved if you Copy/Paste a chord and you can select multiple arpeggios by [Ctrl]-clicking or by Right-click >Select >All Similar elements.

You wrote:
[I]...often need to reverse the direction of the arpeggio (strum). Whenever I do this by selecting the arpeggio arrow I wish to reverse and then clicking on the opposite arrow in the palette, the stretch property of the replacement arpeggio always resets to the default.

If you have an arpeggio arrow with a stretch property that you frequently use for a "strum", you can save it to a palette. Then use this one when "clicking on the opposite arrow in the palette". Name it 'strum' to show as the tooltip (you can also show the stretch number).


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