Playbacks stops at repeats

• Jan 9, 2022 - 23:35


I just downloaded musescore, and the first score I created stops for a few seconds at repeats. Repeat is toggled on, but when I press playback it toggles back off, and the playback stops when it gets to the repeat. I have read that it has to be in page view to work. I put it into page view, but it still does not work for me. Please help thank you. Otherwise, I might just have to use other less buggy programs.


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Micro Étude .mscz 10.47 KB


You have a section break at the end of each repeat. The section break is intended as a break between sections (clue in the name!) - for example between movements of a piece. Therefore it is designed to pause before continuing. Unfortunately it currently pauses every time it is encountered and so, if it is placed on a repeat, there is a break before the repeat is taken. This is a known problem; see #32696: Section break causes pause before repeats and jumps during playback and if you follow that link some workarounds are described. Hopefully this will be fixed in the next release.

As an alternative to the workarounds described in the linked issue, you can use a system break rather than a section break, which I think is what you perhaps intended in the first place. See which describes the different types of breaks available.

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