Problem with Palette panel in Nightlies?

• Sep 10, 2014 - 13:54

Suddenly I have lost my palette customizations, and all options in the context menu are now grayed out except for 'Save Palette'. As if this isn't odd enough, it's happened 'backwards' to earlier versions of the Nightlies - although everything is as it should be in Beta 1. Is anyone else having this problem?

Windows 8.1 u1


I *think* what has happened is this:

The "default workspace" is no longer present, and that is where your customizations were saved. You cannot customize the built-in palettes, you have to first create your own workspace (Edit / Workspaces) and your palettes will be editable.

I remember seeing a commit a little while ago about removing the default workspace but wasn't sure what the intent was. I now suspect it was to make it harder to accidentally mess up your workspace.

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