Chop Notation Project part 2 the sounds

• Feb 4, 2022 - 08:51

I recorded sounds for the Chop Notation symbols and I am willing to send it to you guys at musescore to make a soundfont for it for the official chop notation Release.

You can detune the sounds for Cello and Viola since I used Violin to make all the Chop sounds. Please let me know whenever you can. The wav files are on my Google Drive and will send the link when I can.

Thanks for considering Chop Notation Project for Musescore👍


To be clear: this forum is full of fellow users and volunteers, there is no one who is paid to create soundfonts from user submissions. Creating soundfonts is something all users are welcome to do for themselves, or find perhaps find someone else to pay to do the job. There are lots of websites out there where people sell their services for that sort of thing.

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