Changing Notes all to Vocal 1 from MIDI import

• Feb 5, 2022 - 19:47

I'm new to muse score, I'm trying to figure out how to change the whole document to vocal 1. When I import a MIDI to make sheet music, some notes always end up as vocal 2. Sometimes it will let me select them and change them to vocal 1, but sometimes they won't.
I just need the whole sheet in vocal one, any ideas how I can do that? Thanks


If your MIDi file contains notes that overlap, the only way to notate that in a single staff is with multiple voices. So the best solution is to correct your MIDI file to remove the overlaps - any places where one note starts before another has finished. Usually MIDI editing software has a function called "quantizing" that does this for you. It is possible but much harder to fix the errors in the MIDI file from within MuseScore. If you aren't able to quantize it, attach the MIDI file in question here so we can understand and advise better.

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