Changing score file path

• Feb 8, 2022 - 00:25

Hello, I've been wanting to change the file path of my scores but I don't know how, I explored a bit and I found out the file path in Score Properties, and there was a button beside the file path name. But when I clicked the folder Icon and chose where I wanted it to go, I didn't see any button or something to make where I went the file path or use this file path instead. I tried to change the name itself but it didn't work. Please help.

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Screenshot 2022-02-08 082509_LI.jpg 815.36 KB


If you are simply trying to change where the file is on your computer, just cut and paste (or drag and drop) the file to wherever you want its new location to be, same as any other file. The folder icon you clicked just opens the folder where the file is stored, so you don't have to go digging around yourself.

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