Same instrument, different sounds?

• Feb 9, 2022 - 07:55

Score 1:
Score 2:

Both scores have a single instrument (piano), and when I open the mscz locally, it appears they are move condigured in the mixer to use the grand piano, same pan, same volume, same everything. yet, when I click the play button they sound different.

Score 1: has a warmth to it
Score 2: is far more "synthetic" and metalic.

I don't know that this is a bug, and tbh this may even be a user error on my part, I don't know the app all that well.. but I've just spent an hour trying to figure out what setting in musescore affected this problem, and I cannot figure it out.

Why do they sound different?!


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz


Score 1: only dynamics, no tempo is fine:
Score 1: no dynamics only tempo is not:
Score 2: update with dynamics is fine:

That's an interesting find.. so the "sound creation engine" softens the "velocity" on the notes by somewhat "muffling" them to achieve the desired result. I now see how this is comparing apple to oranges!

Now I'll be updating a bunch of scores p and pp it is! 😆

So.. I learnt something today! Thanks mate

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