Updated to 3.6, and it keeps crashing

• Feb 18, 2022 - 21:18

I just updated and whenever I begin to write it keeps freezing up and eventually crashes. I just had a really weird experience where my computer was connected to my headphones (the computer said connected and said it was playing from the headphones, and it worked when I went to YouTube) but the sound from Musescore was playing off the computer, and even muting the volume didn't work, and then it crashed. It won't even let me write a single line for a single instrument before crashing sometimes. Anyone else experiencing this? Or is it just my computer?


In order to understand and assist, we'd need you to attach your score and the precise steps to reproduce the problem.

It's somewhat normal, at least on some operating systems, that MuseScore keeps playing through the same when possible even if you later add a new one (eg, plugging in headphones). If you are on an operating system where this happens, simply toggle the MIDI button on the main toolbar to force MuseScore to re-scan for new devices.

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