Some Lines are missing

• Sep 12, 2014 - 10:19

Some lines are missing in the master palette
so I just like to discuss:
1 cresc. ---------------------
2 dim. ----------------------
3 rit. ------------------------- a tempo
4 accel. --------------------
5 lead -----------------------
I would prefer all lines „dashed“ with corresponding text in italic (as default).

I know about customizing the paletts in my own workspace – but maybe it is more comfortable
to have all of the most occurring lines already pre-defined in the grid of the master palett.


I wouldn't think any of those would be common enough *as lines* to be worth including in the default palettes. Most of the scores I see with those text markings don't use lines. So I'd be more inclined to want to see the simple text markings on the dynamics and tempo palettes. And I don't know that I've ever seen "lead" - what does that mean?

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