importing drums into musescore

• Mar 5, 2022 - 19:31

hello there i am trying to import midi drums file into musescore but it gets real mess......what am i doing wrong.........i atached the image related to this.......
any helps?

Attachment Size
AHH13 4.png 23.62 KB
big mess drums.png 92.41 KB


What made that midi file?
It sure looks to be non-quantizised at all and there is more weirdness happening. I get a slightly better effect by turning on the "is human performance" checkbox.
The open hi-hat seems to be missing then and the rhythm seems to be twice as fast compared to the measures you've shown in your originating screenshot.

But one of the more weird things is that MidiEditor shows only one note in there (which obviously isn't true). Which makes me wonder whether there are other encoding errors in it or not.

In reply to by elektroleoblu

I don't think you did anything wrong. It has more to do with the way MuseScore deals with midi. If I open your file in other software, I get something that at least looks like drum notation. Does drumtrack export in other formats? Midi isn't really supposed to be good for notation.

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