Different Tempo Markings?

• Mar 9, 2022 - 01:15

MacOS Big Sur : musescore

Within a score, may have a 4/4 - 1/4 note = 100. Additionally 12/8 1/8th = 80.

When switching measures with different tempo markings, should the Play Panel tempo slider update to the correct tempo?

Although the play panel status displays the correct tempo marking when selected, the play panel tempo slider does not.


Although the play panel status displays the correct tempo marking when selected, the play panel tempo slider does not.

It reads:
"Tempo: Make temporary change to tempo. This is displayed as a percentage and as a bpm (beats per minute). Double-click to reset. (Note: Permanent changes to tempo should be made using tempo text)"

The slider normally stays at 100 when the score is playing. The displayed tempo BPM number follows the tempo marking(s) in the score.
The slider is used for temporary changes -- like if you wish to verify correct playback for voltas and repeats, you can "speed up" the playback so you won't have to wait very long for the score to play all the way through. (200% will be twice as fast.)
After moving the slider, double clicking it will return it back to 100%.

In reply to by Jm6stringer

Also note that the play panel display of beats per minute always refers to quarter note (crotchet) beats irrespective of any tempo marking. Thus, if you have a tempo marking of dotted quarter = 120 for a 6/8 piece, the play panel will show 180 bpm, which can be confusing, but appears to be too deeply embedded in Musescore's innards to be easily re-coded.

See #291727: Improve tempo indication in Play Panel to reflect time signature

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