After free trial period, I did not cancel my subscription, plz help

• Mar 10, 2022 - 03:40


I am really sorry for not cancel before the free trial period, and it was 100% my fault (forgot to cancel)

I tried to contact you as soon as possible when I got the payment txt from credit card company.

And I got the email I can not get the 100% refund a couple of

In my case, I am not planing to use any service on MuseScore even in a month.

Can I contact you on live chat or something?
If you let me know how to contact you, I want to discuss more about this in realtime chat.

I used the free trial service for my nephew, and they has gone home already. And, I don't have any music instruments and no plan to have them.

Even I didn't use the service from only the day I applied the free trial period.(If you check my using log, you will figure out.)

I am very aftraid that I wrote this message, and even I can not have a meal because of my terrible fault.

If you can help me, it will be very appreciated.

Thank you


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