AV Linux - Musescore playback issues

• Mar 21, 2022 - 17:13

This weekend I installed AV Linux and opened up Musescore. Musescore worked fine yesterday. Today the instruments and music are delayed, repeating, and sounding just awful scratchy sounds.

Yesterday as I was trying to get Zoom to work, I downloaded 2 files, I thought might help. One was for Zoom Linux Other and the other was for Zoom Linux Debian. Maybe these messed with my sound fonts on Musescore? If so, can you suggest how to find where they are located and how to delete them?

FYI - I'm new on Linux and just went through the basic AV Linux setup this weekend.

Thanks, Sora


Probably you will need to experiment with different settings under Edit / Preferences / I/O within MsueScore, and/or different settings within your Linux audio system). it's possible installing Zoom did something to change the default audio device within MuseScore, so you might need to change it back to what it was before.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Musescore restored itself through Preferences / I/O. And I deleted the Zoom features that weren't working. Taught today using the Zoom browser - missing lots of features, which doesn't work for my teaching style.

Then read about others having issues with AV and Zoom on a forum here:

Consequently since my work depends on hours on Zoom, I'll be moving to Ubuntu tomorrow.

Thanks again for your help!

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