Musescore crashing when using MIDI input after extended period of non-usage

• Mar 25, 2022 - 20:02

Hi there,

There's been a really irritating problem that has affected me a lot involving a MIDI input device. Not with the input device itself which inputs fine, however when it is not used for a long period of time (maybe about half an hour, hour?) when inputting anything again Musescore will immediately crash. This includes a period of time editing a score without using the input device or just leaving Musescore running while I am away from the computer. This has happened several times now.
(If there is already a thread with this bug please tell me, I wasn't sure how to search for it)
Thanks in advance :)
(I'm using a Windows 10 64-bit computer running the latest version of Musescore 3)


If your computer went to sleep in-between then the problem is that when it wakes up Windows internally changes the audio device references and MuseScore isn't aware of that and keeps sending to the old (invalid) internal location.
If that is the case, try toggling the MIDI-input button in the toolbar twice after waking up from sleep to have MuseScore refresh it's audio references.

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