Not all lyrics are copied to clipboard

• Apr 2, 2022 - 11:43

I wanted to put the lyrics of a song I wrote in a open office file. So after searching this forum I found that I should go to tools and then copy lyrics to clipboard. However, when I did that, not all lyrics were copied. The structure of my song is vers1, chorus 1, verse2, chorus2 , post-chorus1, chorus3, post-chorus3, coda. What was missing was post-chorus 3 and the coda, and post chorus 2 followed chorus 3 instead of chorus 2. So the lyrics I got was verse 1, chorus 1, verse 2, chorus 2, chorus 3, post-chorus 2.

It didn't matter too much for my own purposes, as what was missing was mostly repetitions from earlier lyrics, and the song is very short anyway, but I did feel that this was a weird bug.

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