Merging non-rhythmically aligned notes

• Apr 3, 2022 - 18:05

Hello. I am arranging the second movement of Clara schumann's piano concerto for cello and piano. I am wondering how I can merge the last note of the triplet and the second note of the eighth note in each beat, even though they are not rhythmically aligned. I would like to format it the way it was written as it yields the best played rendition. Even though I understand why musescore won't let me, I am wondering if there is a workaround. See below for attached pictures. First picture is where I'm stuck, and second is what I would like it to look like. thanks.


...second is what I would like it to look like...

Use triplets for both voices (treble clef staff) and make any unwanted elements invisible:
Your picture.mscz
Use menu item: View > and select 'Show Invisible' to see.

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