Specific score crashing upon opening

• Apr 4, 2022 - 23:37

Hello, this is a version of a score I'm working on that I've been using to fetch parts from. Score crashed and now crashes musescore when attempting to open. Issue occurred after deleting the contents of a bar in a part which contained a line break, a single note, a slur, two text elements, and a crescendo. Did not receive an error or crash message.

In review of similar problems: using page view, no repeats, have restarted computer, have reset musescore to factory settings.

Musescore 3.6.2
Windows 10 64-bit

Attachment Size
Obey_The_Machine (Parts).mscz 208.04 KB


In that I do see quite some strange debug output:

Debug: Clef::layout(): invisible clef at tick 26880(14) staff 25 (...\libmscore\clef.cpp:145, virtual void Ms::Clef::layout())
Debug: no sys staff (...\libmscore\system.cpp:1510, int Ms::System::lastVisibleSysStaff() const)
Debug: Clef::layout(): invisible clef at tick 26880(14) staff 25 (...\libmscore\clef.cpp:145, virtual void Ms::Clef::layout())
Debug: Clef::layout(): invisible clef at tick 26880(14) staff 25 (...\libmscore\clef.cpp:145, virtual void Ms::Clef::layout())
Debug: Clef::layout(): invisible clef at tick 38400(20) staff 26 (...\libmscore\clef.cpp:145, virtual void Ms::Clef::layout())
Debug: Clef::layout(): invisible clef at tick 38400(20) staff 26 (...\libmscore\clef.cpp:145, virtual void Ms::Clef::layout())
Debug: Clef::layout(): invisible clef at tick 38400(20) staff 26 (...\libmscore\clef.cpp:145, virtual void Ms::Clef::layout())
Debug: restHeight < 0.0: -358.001865
 (...\libmscore\layout.cpp:1878, static void Ms::LayoutContext::layoutPage(Ms::Page*, qreal, qreal))
Debug: restHeight < 0.0: -520.963740
 (...\libmscore\layout.cpp:1878, static void Ms::LayoutContext::layoutPage(Ms::Page*, qreal, qreal))
Debug: restHeight < 0.0: -268.284664
 (...\libmscore\layout.cpp:1878, static void Ms::LayoutContext::layoutPage(Ms::Page*, qreal, qreal))
Debug: restHeight < 0.0: -784.826626
 (...\libmscore\layout.cpp:1878, static void Ms::LayoutContext::layoutPage(Ms::Page*, qreal, qreal))
Debug: restHeight < 0.0: -412.245724
 (...\libmscore\layout.cpp:1878, static void Ms::LayoutContext::layoutPage(Ms::Page*, qreal, qreal))
Debug: restHeight < 0.0: -381.367877
 (...\libmscore\layout.cpp:1878, static void Ms::LayoutContext::layoutPage(Ms::Page*, qreal, qreal))
Debug: restHeight < 0.0: -312.738054
 (...\libmscore\layout.cpp:1878, static void Ms::LayoutContext::layoutPage(Ms::Page*, qreal, qreal))
Debug: restHeight < 0.0: -2801.712779
 (...\libmscore\layout.cpp:1878, static void Ms::LayoutContext::layoutPage(Ms::Page*, qreal, qreal))
Debug: restHeight < 0.0: -826.475492
 (...\libmscore\layout.cpp:1878, static void Ms::LayoutContext::layoutPage(Ms::Page*, qreal, qreal))
Debug: restHeight < 0.0: -330.330666
 (...\libmscore\layout.cpp:1878, static void Ms::LayoutContext::layoutPage(Ms::Page*, qreal, qreal))
Debug: restHeight < 0.0: -607.629134
 (...\libmscore\layout.cpp:1878, static void Ms::LayoutContext::layoutPage(Ms::Page*, qreal, qreal))
Debug: restHeight < 0.0: -61.439037
 (...\libmscore\layout.cpp:1878, static void Ms::LayoutContext::layoutPage(Ms::Page*, qreal, qreal))
Debug: restHeight < 0.0: -183.156983
 (...\libmscore\layout.cpp:1878, static void Ms::LayoutContext::layoutPage(Ms::Page*, qreal, qreal))
Debug: restHeight < 0.0: -375.289657
 (...\libmscore\layout.cpp:1878, static void Ms::LayoutContext::layoutPage(Ms::Page*, qreal, qreal))
Debug: restHeight < 0.0: -320.767057
 (...\libmscore\layout.cpp:1878, static void Ms::LayoutContext::layoutPage(Ms::Page*, qreal, qreal))
Debug: Clef::layout(): invisible clef at tick 26880(14) staff 0 (...\libmscore\clef.cpp:145, virtual void Ms::Clef::layout())
Debug: Clef::layout(): invisible clef at tick 26880(14) staff 0 (...\libmscore\clef.cpp:145, virtual void Ms::Clef::layout())
Debug: Clef::layout(): invisible clef at tick 26880(14) staff 0 (...\libmscore\clef.cpp:145, virtual void Ms::Clef::layout())
Debug: Clef::layout(): invisible clef at tick 38400(20) staff 0 (...\libmscore\clef.cpp:145, virtual void Ms::Clef::layout())
Debug: Clef::layout(): invisible clef at tick 38400(20) staff 0 (...\libmscore\clef.cpp:145, virtual void Ms::Clef::layout())
Debug: Clef::layout(): invisible clef at tick 38400(20) staff 0 (...\libmscore\clef.cpp:145, virtual void Ms::Clef::layout())
Debug: Clef::layout(): invisible clef at tick 26880(14) staff 25 (...\libmscore\clef.cpp:145, virtual void Ms::Clef::layout())
Debug: no sys staff (...\libmscore\system.cpp:1510, int Ms::System::lastVisibleSysStaff() const)
Debug: Clef::layout(): invisible clef at tick 26880(14) staff 25 (...\libmscore\clef.cpp:145, virtual void Ms::Clef::layout())
Debug: Clef::layout(): invisible clef at tick 26880(14) staff 25 (...\libmscore\clef.cpp:145, virtual void Ms::Clef::layout())
Debug: Clef::layout(): invisible clef at tick 38400(20) staff 26 (...\libmscore\clef.cpp:145, virtual void Ms::Clef::layout())
Debug: Clef::layout(): invisible clef at tick 38400(20) staff 26 (...\libmscore\clef.cpp:145, virtual void Ms::Clef::layout())
Debug: Clef::layout(): invisible clef at tick 38400(20) staff 26 (...\libmscore\clef.cpp:145, virtual void Ms::Clef::layout())
Debug: restHeight < 0.0: -358.001865
 (...\libmscore\layout.cpp:1878, static void Ms::LayoutContext::layoutPage(Ms::Page*, qreal, qreal))
Debug: restHeight < 0.0: -520.963740
 (...\libmscore\layout.cpp:1878, static void Ms::LayoutContext::layoutPage(Ms::Page*, qreal, qreal))
Debug: restHeight < 0.0: -268.284664
 (...\libmscore\layout.cpp:1878, static void Ms::LayoutContext::layoutPage(Ms::Page*, qreal, qreal))
Debug: restHeight < 0.0: -784.826626
 (...\libmscore\layout.cpp:1878, static void Ms::LayoutContext::layoutPage(Ms::Page*, qreal, qreal))
Debug: restHeight < 0.0: -412.245724
 (...\libmscore\layout.cpp:1878, static void Ms::LayoutContext::layoutPage(Ms::Page*, qreal, qreal))
Debug: restHeight < 0.0: -381.367877
 (...\libmscore\layout.cpp:1878, static void Ms::LayoutContext::layoutPage(Ms::Page*, qreal, qreal))
Debug: restHeight < 0.0: -312.738054
 (...\libmscore\layout.cpp:1878, static void Ms::LayoutContext::layoutPage(Ms::Page*, qreal, qreal))
Debug: restHeight < 0.0: -2801.712779
 (...\libmscore\layout.cpp:1878, static void Ms::LayoutContext::layoutPage(Ms::Page*, qreal, qreal))
Debug: restHeight < 0.0: -826.475492
 (...\libmscore\layout.cpp:1878, static void Ms::LayoutContext::layoutPage(Ms::Page*, qreal, qreal))
Debug: restHeight < 0.0: -330.330666
 (...\libmscore\layout.cpp:1878, static void Ms::LayoutContext::layoutPage(Ms::Page*, qreal, qreal))
Debug: restHeight < 0.0: -607.629134
 (...\libmscore\layout.cpp:1878, static void Ms::LayoutContext::layoutPage(Ms::Page*, qreal, qreal))
Debug: restHeight < 0.0: -61.439037
 (...\libmscore\layout.cpp:1878, static void Ms::LayoutContext::layoutPage(Ms::Page*, qreal, qreal))
Debug: restHeight < 0.0: -183.156983
 (...\libmscore\layout.cpp:1878, static void Ms::LayoutContext::layoutPage(Ms::Page*, qreal, qreal))
Debug: restHeight < 0.0: -375.289657
 (...\libmscore\layout.cpp:1878, static void Ms::LayoutContext::layoutPage(Ms::Page*, qreal, qreal))
Debug: restHeight < 0.0: -320.767057
 (...\libmscore\layout.cpp:1878, static void Ms::LayoutContext::layoutPage(Ms::Page*, qreal, qreal))

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

That was the one that I was working on at the time of the crash. Copied the contents to a new instrument, deleted the old one, generated a new part, and it's all good. I made the percussion parts pianos just for ease of changing noteheads and mapping while I was composing without committing into a specific instrumentation. I really appreciate it, you rock.

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