Unequal eighths while playing the score

• Apr 5, 2022 - 22:02

I've transcribed Boëllmann's Suite a while ago, however I've noticed the eighths (especially in the third part) are not equal, they're played inégale-ish, which would be very welcome in jazz or French baroque, but this is pure romanticism and it simply sounds bad. Is there any way I can fix this? It sounds about the same on the page too (https://musescore.com/kstudzinski/suite-gothique).

Attachment Size
Suite_Gothique.mscz 57.47 KB


The Poco ritenuto and the A tempo on the bottom of page 3 (at least, there may be more of those) are not tempo texts but system texts (with the style of a tempo text) and with Swing settings. See https://musescore.org/en/handbook/3/swing, and don't do that, don't use the Swing text from the text palette and change it to share me other text, just because you like the style.

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