musescore 4.0 - questions after using 3.6

• Apr 9, 2022 - 15:37

Hello , hope this is the right forum for support for musescore 4.0.
I installed the alpha version in order to use VST to improve sound quality.
I have a score which is written in swing style. It is played correctly in 3.6.2 but not in 4.0.
I have created a toy example, and added both the "swing" style from tempo palette and also in format->style pressed the "eighth notes" on swing style. But didn't help to make the toy example sound in swing. It still has a non-swing feel.

Two more questions regarding VST usage (this is the first time I try to use VST so I am not experienced with it).

1) I have a file with several instruments (not the mscz I attached here).
After I assigned each of the channles a proper instrument from the VST library I saved the file and exit musescore. The next time I open the file, it doesn't "remember" the assigned instruments and all the channels open up with the wrong instrument or nothing at all (silent).
I'm not sure if the loading should be done automatically or I should reload each of the instruments again, I will be happy to understsand the recommended procedure.

2) After loading the VST instruments I cannot see the instrument name or any informantion about it , except the plugin name (see musescore4.jpg image)

Attachment Size
no_swing.mscz 15.46 KB
musescore4.jpg 10.23 KB


In reply to by hugeneral

O.K. Here's a bit more general info. for others (and looking forward to the beta release)...

The Development and Technology Preview forum is more appropriate than this forum, which is presently focused on MuseScore 3 support and bug reports.

MuseScore 4 alpha testers should refrain from posting here to avoid confusing the majority who still use MuseScore 3. Fortunately, this only occurs during a major program revision. Minor version changes (e.g., 3.2 to 3.3 to 3.4 etc.) don't suffer from this as the GUI looked the same in forum screenshots and attached scores could be opened.

MuseScore 4 beta is not yet released, but when it is, the Development and Technology Preview forum should remain the venue for beta issues. As more version 4 testers come onboard, and more bugs are reported, this will prevent our 'Support and bug reports' forum from becoming jumbled with MuseScore 4 issues.

Finally, after the MuseScore 4 RC, this forum will naturally transition and advise all users to download the latest version of MuseScore 4.

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