Alternating Time Signatures + "unjankifying" Time Signature Creation

• Apr 17, 2022 - 06:49

Not sure if this has been suggested, but seeing as Dorico has all sorts of options for time signatures, I think Musescore should add them as well. One of the compositions I am transcribing contains a section with a 5/8 + 6/8 alternating time signature and the current options to achieve this are not ideal.….

Along with this, I think the Time Signature creation window could use some work:
- To open the Time Signature Window, you have to click on "more" in the Time Signature palette. Pressing "Create Time Signature" closes the "more Time Signatures" panel. This also applies to Key Signatures as well.
- the Text that represents a Time signature currently is forced to be in a fractional format, with no way of displaying, for example, a 4/4 + 6/8 alternating time signature which indicate different note values.
- The note preview is aligned to the left, while the "Beam Properties" panel is aligned to the right.
- Pressing "Add" doesn't close the window.

The second part is definitely a low priority, but I think that special/uncommon Time Signature options should be introduced into Musescore.


Some work has been done on this, but I don't think it's ready for MuseScore 4 - perhaps some release after.

Btw, in case you weren't aware, you don't need to use the palette "More" button to access the time signature dialog - just press Shift+T.

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