Converting my new piano piece to score

• Apr 21, 2022 - 23:15

I play on a Yamaha Digital Piano P-121. It has a USB port. I would like to plug my piano into my laptop and have Musescore write out the score to the piece I play. Can this be done? IF so, how?


You can certainly use the keyboard to input notes. This works best if you do so one at time, exactly as if you were tying them but you use the MIDI keyboard instead. The sort of AI that would be required to allow you to just splay anything you want in real time and have the program automatically figure out the best way to notate it, doesn't really exist yet.

You can certainly use the keyboard to input notes. This works best if you do so one at time, exactly as if you were tying them but you use the MIDI keyboard instead. The sort of AI that would be required to allow you to just play anything you want in real time and have the program automatically figure out the best way to notate it, doesn't really exist yet. There is a limited one-staff-at-a-time real time input mode that works for simple rhythms only.

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