Is there any way to keep the playing bars always at the TOP of the screen?

• Apr 23, 2022 - 03:25

Better than an explanation.... I want to do this:

If you notice, the "playing" bars are always on the top, and as the bars scrolls to the top there's a smooth movement of the "sheet".

But in Musescore I can't get that. Does anyone knows how to do it?



In reply to by Jm6stringer

Thanks for your reply!

The thing is that I like the fact of beign able to see the "forthcoming" bars (as shown in the reference video), so the user could be prepared to play what's coming next.

I feel "smooth pan" in "Continuos view" is too much distractive.

I think there must be a way to get what is shown in that video. The reference video was done in Guitar pro, but I don't like that is not a software prepared for drum notation. Some note agroupations are confusing for a first reading.


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