Lyrics will not align vertically

• Apr 30, 2022 - 05:20

Attached is a photo of the issue - the lyrics will not all stay on the same y-axis plane. Sometimes it is a measure at a time, sometimes, just one syllable is out of line. This is with "automatic placement" selected. I would hate to have to adjust each bit by hand, as it happens frequently. Can anyone offer help?

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Ditty.png 58.97 KB


Looks like maybe you accidentally entered some of the lyrics in a lower verse. Right-click on one of the lyrics, choose "Select -> All similar elements", then change the verse number in the Inspector to 1. If that doesn't help, attach your score so we can take a closer look.

In reply to by dragonwithafez

dragonwithafez wrote > you had "Vertical alignment range" set to "Measure". Changing it to "System" fixes this.

I occasionally encounter this lyric alignment problem and don't know what causes it.

Where does one find the "Vertical alignment range" Property? I don't see it in the Inspector, Style>Lyrics nor in Style>Text Styles ...


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