Some notes can't be added via keyboard

• May 1, 2022 - 11:39

I am using Musescore for sheet writing and trying to become faster in it.
For this reason, I try to avoid using the mouse and only use the computer's keyboard shortcuts. I encountered to problems:
1. For some reason, sometimes adding notes via the keyboard doesn't work in general.
2. Other times it works, but specific notes, like G for instance, do not work. I can not add them using the keyboard key.
I am using a Mac.
Would love to get your help with that.


"1. For some reason, sometimes adding notes via the keyboard doesn't work in general."
At a guess, you are perhaps in Re-Pitch mode rather than the default Step-Time mode.

"2. Other times it works, but specific notes, like G for instance, do not work."
Another guess: have you allocated G as a shortcut for some other action?

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