Don't Disable Note Input on Playback?

• May 12, 2022 - 04:38

In my version of Musescore, I'll often use Note Input to place notes with the mouse, then quickly play them back to review them. But as soon as I play it back, either by hitting space or clicking the play button, it reverts back out of the Note Input.

Is there a setting I could use to prevent this from happening? I'm tired of having to remember to hit "N" every time. Especially it's annoying because in my mind I think "Okay, and I'll add a quarter note here..." and hit 4 on the number pad, only to realize that it just changed the note length of whatever I happened to have stopped on. So really it's pause playback -> change to quarter note -> notice I messed up my score -> hit ctrl-z -> hit N -> change to quarter note.

OS: Windows 10 (10.0), Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: 43c5553


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