Corrupted Error I can't seem to fix

• Jun 4, 2022 - 19:10

I've been getting this error:
Measure 22, staff 9 incomplete. Expected: 4/4; Found: 5/4

No matter what I do, it is a problem. It is a result of the program crashing. I have tried the following:

  • Found a different spot in the file that has same notes that Measure 22 Staff 9 has, copied it, and pasted
  • Tried deleting the measure, then copying in again
  • Deleted the measure, saved, reopened and found the deletion didn't save, it seems. Tried just editing in some notes. Came back with the new notes, buy having added a dot where it wouldn't fit, it gave me the same error again.

I've tried various iterations of above, and it will just not fix. It seems as if the file may in fact be corrupted. I might say it also affected same notes in 3 other measures, and they DID fix, but not this one.

The first time I had a similar problem, someone made me realize that I wasn't looking at the right staff. I had been working on a different staff, so expected that to be where the error was. It too was a result of a crash (I'm finding Musescore to crash often). That one fixed and has been working fine.

Any thoughts?


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thank you. I appreiate it.

For others who come across this: the things I listed that I tried did not work because I had "parts". and having not changed it in the part, it came back. So, per the article, I deleted all parts and then deleted the measure that was problematic, and copied from another measure with same notes. and it's good to go now.

It is interesting, I had made an assumption: having noticed that when I changed something in the full score, it replicated down to the parts. So, I expected when I tried the fix in the main score it would replicate do the part, but apparently given the corruption it did not.

Net net: if you get a corrpution error regarding specific measures incomplete, you may need to delete and recreate your parts.

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