How to Move Copyright text down one line without hitting enter

• Jun 16, 2022 - 16:47

Hello! This is a very slight problem and doesn't really effect overall music but it is still a slight annoyance when it comes to score aesthetic. When I have a line of text in the copyright section of the score, sometimes the copyright can be very long and span the entire length of the sheet. The main issue is I can't seem to find a way to break the text so that it takes up less horizontal space. For example: With Microsoft word (or really any word processor) I can place the cursor before the line of text I want to move down - Click 'ENTER' - then it will move down no problem. with Musescore, when I am in the score property tab in files, hitting enter only closes the tab as an 'Accept' button. and there Is currently no way to edit the text by just selecting it (like you can with title, subtitle, compose, etc...). Either way, like I said, it isn't a massive world-ending issue. Just a slight Aesthetic one.

Thank you!!!



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