Program crashes when trying to return to normal time after local time signature

• Jul 13, 2022 - 16:54

In the attached score, there is a cello solo staff. Initial measures have local time signatures and at measure 8 it is set to 9/8. At this point all other staffs are at 3/4. In measure 10, this part is set to return to the same time signature as the entire score. For most of these measures copy and paste does not work because it says something about tuplet. However if I enter several notes in measure 10 and try a copy the program crashes. If I set the cello solo to a local time score of 3/4 to match the overall, the program crashes, possibly because this is still a local override. If I set the entire score to use 3/4 time signature for measure 10, the same problem. So the question is how to return a staff to use the time signature of the entire score, and not think it is still using local time signature, that is how do you terminate locale time signatures once implemented. One thing I did not due is delete all measures from measure 10 onward, and then re-add them to the score. These where still blank from the original score createion. Secondly, if the local signature is 9/8 why does measure properties show 3/4 on this staff.

Attachment Size
SCHELOMO.mscz 24.49 KB


To answer the last question first - Measure Properties is not staff-specific; it's showing the global time signature for that measure.

Unfortunately local time signatures are indeed pretty limited and somewhat buggy. For best results, you should set them up completely before entering any notes into your score, although I recognize that's not always practical. But, you can't copy/paste indeed. You should just get the error message, not a crash, though. If you can find precise steps to reproduce the crash - I entered some notes and did Ctrl_C and just got the error message as expected - let us know so we can investigate.

As for how to reutnr to normal, same way you got there - hold Ctrl while adding the time sig. All affected measures need to be empty. I didn't get any crash when I tried in your score, but again, if you can list precise steps to reproduce the problem, please let us know.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Crashed after some new attempts. Submitted a crash report with the following notes:

score was opened with measures 1-9. Appended 4 measures. Cello solo in measure 10 was made local time of 3/4. Measure 12 was set to C time signature and this was displayed in all staffs including the solo. In measure 12 notes were entered in Harp staff and copied and pasted okay. Notes were enter in the cell solo staff and Ctrl-C used to copy. There was no error for the copy and there was no message about tuplet. Ctrl-V was then used to past the supposedly copied notes into next location and program crashed. There does not appear to be a way to return to normal time signatures after local time has been used and if copy and paste is not possible (assuming it doesn't crash) then this feature is not very good as need copy and paste to be able to enter from other note patterns etc. Manually entering all notes one by one is not efficient for 400 measure score.

In reply to by msokol

In order to investigate, we could really use precise step by step instructins to reproduce the probem, like

1) select ...
2) go to menu ...
2) press ...


It's definitely possible to trun to normal time after a local time signature, provided all affected measures are empty, as I said. And yes, copy/paste within local time signatures would be a good enhancement to implement someday.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

here is my latest test case scenario.
1. Make sure that all measures after 9 are removed from the score in case the sample has these in place.
2. Select Add/ Measures/Append Measures (enter 2). This creates measures 10 & 11.
3. Select 3/4 from time signature and drag holding Ctrl to Vc. solo staff in measure 10.
4. Select Add/ Measures/Append Measures (enter 2). This creates measures 12 & 13.
5. Select an empty rest in a staff on measure 12 and click on C in the time signature. All staffs in measure 12 show C including the vc solo that was previously local at 3/4.
6. add two 1/8 notes to vc solo staff in measure 12.
7. select these two notes and Ctrl-C.
8. Move to first open rest after the notes and type Ctrl-V (to paste.) System crashes.
However if I paste the copied notes to another staff never having a local time scale, the paste works.

In another variation is added a C as a local time scale using procedure above and then attempted the copy and paste and the results were identical. System crashed on paste.

In both cases there was no message of an issue with there being a copy from within a tuplet so perhaps the local time scale was not really detected but some other residue of there having been one assigned is causing this problem since the copy appears to have worked. So maybe the local time scale has been "reset" but there is another corruption in the score.

If anyone has successfully restored a time signature to staves on measures that follow those where previously there was a local time signature please respond and tell me how to do that. I would expect that adding new measures and then selecting a time signature that applies to all staves would work. When I do that however, any paste into the staff that was previously local time, but appears to be following the normal time signature, causes a crash. Does not matter where the copy came from, just the act of pasting. So even though no new time signature was dragged with CTRL and is was assigned automatically to all staves including the one with an issue, something is preventing a paste that works okay on all other staves. Marc has commented it is possible but I can't get it to work.

In reply to by msokol

I can confirm the crash following your instructions. I also tried to create the attached score from scratch with two instruments initially in 4/4. I added a local 12/8 to the first bar for the second instrument and then in bar 5 added a local 4/4 to that instrument to bring it back into line with the first instrument. I added further notes.
Nothing seemed amiss. The score played back ok. But, any attempt to copy from the second instrument after bar 5 produced a crash. I then added a non-local 3/4 in bar 9 and added further notes. Again any attempt to copy from the second instrument produced a crash.

On restarting MuseScore I recovered the score. The crashes still happened. However, the next time I recovered the score but saved it with a new name and when I opened the saved version (attached), there is no crash. So perhaps there is your workaround. Try saving and reopening before attempting to copy/paste.


In reply to by msokol

The way to restore a time signature after a local one is to simply add a new local one that matches the others.

So for instance, starting from a blank 4/4 score with multiple staves:

1) create a local 3/4 by selecting measure 2 of staff 2 and Ctrl+clicking the 3/4
2) return to 4/4 by selecting measure 3 and Ctrl+clickng the 4/4

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Attached is an example, similar to your instance.

1) I started with a blank 4/4 score, Flute 1 and Flute 2
2) I added a local 12/8 to measure 1 of Flute 2 by selecting measure 1 and CTRL+Clicking on the TS pallet
3) I entered notes in Flute 1 and then Flute 2 in the first 4 bars
4) I added a local 4/4 to Flute 2 by selecting measure 5 and CTRL+Clicking on the TS pallet
5) I entered notes in Flute 1 and then Flute 2 in bars 5 - 8
6) I selected the first note in Flute 1, Bar 1 and pressed play.

All OK so far.

7) I saved the score - attached here. LocalTS2.mscz
8) I clicked on the final D in Flute 2 Bar 8
9) I pressed Keyboard shortcut R.

Result - revolving blue doughnut and then crash.

10) I started MuseScore again and refused the recovery option.
11) I loaded the saved score by dragging and dropping from the File Inspector
12) I clicked on the final D in Flute 2 Bar 8
13) I pressed Keyboard Shortcut R

Result - revolving blue doughnut and then crash.

I tried 10 and 11 again but instead of 12 and 13
14) I made a range selection of the final two notes in Flute 2 Bar 8
15) I pressed CTRL+C
16) I selected the rest in Flute 2 Bar 9
17 ) I pressed CTRL+V

Result - revolving blue doughnut and then crash.

Restoring the time signature appears to work OK. The critical bit is trying to do any sort of copy/paste of notes after the restoring local time signature. Copy/paste seems to work OK in the other Flute 1 stave.

I seem to have been mistaken about saving and reloading fixing the problem - or perhaps I was just lucky that time.

In reply to by SteveBlower

Perhaps I have narrowed it down a bit more. I made a fresh score following Marc's instructions and I could not produce a crash. I wondered if it was the fact that the crashing examples involve compound meter. So I tried other combinations with a compound meter in one stave and non-compound in the other stave and I get a crash if I select a note after the restoring local TS and use the R(eplicate) shortcut. However, if I have compound meters in both staves - e.g. 12/8 against 9/8 there is no crash.

So some necessary conditions to produce the crash are
a) a local time signatures has been used with compound meter in one stave being juxtaposed against non-compound meter in another stave.
b) a second local time signature has been used to restore the previous global time signature
c) an attempt is made to copy/paste material from the stave that has the local time signature from a point that later in the score than the restoring local time signature.

In reply to by SteveBlower

I have been working with the score and just not copy/paste editing in the affected staff. All others work fine and one I synchronized the local time signature to be the same as the overall score, all subsequent global time scale changes are applied to the staff that was previously local. But the copy/paste issue persists. So the process per Mark's instructions for returning the local signature to match the global works. That part of my original query is therefore closed in my opinion.

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