MDL crashes my Musescore.

• Jul 17, 2022 - 03:12

Hello. My problem with MDL has been going on for a while now, and I was hoping someone could help me fix it.

Every time I try to install MDL using the resource manager, it either goes to 99% then stops, or installs, then crashes. Whenever it crashes, I try to open it back up, only for it to crash again at "Loading Soundfonts"

I have tried to download the .MUXT file then drag and drop it onto my musescore window, and that works for a bit, until I try to open any previous musescore file. At which point, the program will crash, and I cannot open it again.

If anyone could help me out with this that would be amazing, thank you in advance.


Sorry to hear you're having trouble! Sounds like you managed to install MDL via the manual method, dragging the MUXT file onto the program. Great! If you're asoo having a crash opening a specific score, it's probably not related, but in any case, in order to investigate, we'd need you to attach the score that causes the crash.

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