Undesired key signature "courtesy" showing up on 7th bar

• Jul 18, 2022 - 20:24

Hey all,
I'm usually able to figure stuff out using the excellent documentation and searching but this one is stumping me. I created this score from a midi file. The song is in the key of E but apparently it imported in the key of C (probably my mistake doing the import). I put in the correct key sig at bar one but at bar 7 it cancelled it out back to C. When I manually put the key to E on bar 7 it shows another indication of the key sig of E (like an unwanted courtesy key sig, even though I have that unchecked in the style settings). It's the same key sig throughout the piece so I just want the key sig to show up at bar one. I'm guessing there is a part in the score that is causing this, maybe at bar 6. I dunno. Thanks for looking!


The bar seven problem isn't in every part. MIDI is the worst format to import into Muse score. ou cansee that most of these parts are unplayable. Do you have any other versions?

In reply to by bobjp

Hey bobjp, thanks for looking! Yeah, I totally hear ya. Was just experimenting with the midi import and then decided to start editing the bass part (that part should be playable). That part might be the only part that I will end up using but might try editing some others. Is there any way I can fix just the bass part? I do hear you with the unplayable thing but assuming I don't care about that, is there any way to address the problem and/or figure out why it's behaving like that? Thanks again for looking!

I think I figured it out! I disabled "create multimeasure rests" in Style->Score and then was able to delete the key sig in bar 7. I re-enabled "create multimeasure rests" and it's still gone.

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